John Dorer, CEO of, shares insights into his commitment to solve the pervasive problem of entry-level labor shortages 

Can you tell us a bit about your career history and how you came to be in your current role? 

A Cleveland, Ohio native, I graduated from the University of South Florida with a bachelor’s degree in marketing. Driven by an interest in the transformative potential of technology for businesses, I began my career by developing backend IT systems for immigration law firms, facilitating their national expansion. This initiative expanded into creating an immigration case preparer service and eventually led to the founding of At, I lead a dedicated team of recruiters and immigration attorneys, assisting US-based businesses in addressing staffing and employee retention challenges through an efficient and cost-effective process for hiring permanent foreign national employees.  

Can you provide some background on the company and its role within the fast-food industry? 

John Dorer, CEO of
John Dorer, CEO of is a specialized firm dedicated to addressing chronic labor shortages in the US by helping businesses legally hire qualified foreign workers through the EB-3 visa program. The company offers a comprehensive, full-service solution that includes international recruitment, immigration legal services, and seamless integration of foreign national employees into the US workforce. 

In the fast-food industry, where high turnover rates and staffing shortages are common, plays a crucial role in ensuring that businesses can maintain a stable and motivated workforce by addressing labor shortages, providing legal and compliance support, enhancing workforce diversity and boosting economic stability. The company’s mission to provide a permanent staffing solution through the EB-3 visa program aligns with the needs of fast-food businesses, helping them overcome staffing challenges and thrive in a competitive market.’s team of immigration attorneys handles all legal aspects of the hiring process, ensuring compliance with US immigration laws and regulations. This allows fast-food businesses to focus on their operations without worrying about legal complexities.  

Hiring foreign national workers brings diverse perspectives and cultural richness to the workplace, which can enhance customer service and create a more inclusive work environment. A diverse workforce can foster innovation and creative problem-solving, benefiting the overall business operations. By providing a reliable and steady workforce, helps fast-food businesses maintain consistent operations, leading to economic stability and growth. With a stable workforce, fast-food companies can operate more efficiently, meeting customer demands and enhancing service quality. 

What unique challenges do entry-level positions pose in terms of recruitment and retention? 

Entry-level positions present several unique challenges in terms of recruitment and retention, particularly in industries such as fast food, manufacturing, and retail. Entry-level jobs often involve repetitive tasks, low wages, and limited advancement opportunities, leading to dissatisfaction and high turnover rates. Younger workers, who typically fill these roles, may frequently switch jobs in search of better pay or more fulfilling work, contributing to instability in the workforce. 

There is often a perceived lack of prestige with entry-level positions, making it difficult to attract candidates who see long-term potential in these roles. With numerous entry-level opportunities available, companies must compete for a limited pool of candidates, especially in regions with low unemployment rates. 

Many entry-level jobs offer minimal benefits, which can lead to employees leaving for positions with better compensation packages. Equally, irregular hours, weekend shifts, and lack of flexibility can contribute to employee burnout and turnover. 

Training new hires for entry-level positions can be time-consuming and costly, especially if turnover is high and new employees need constant onboarding. Without clear pathways for career advancement, employees may not see the value in staying long-term, leading to higher attrition. 

The repetitive nature of many entry-level jobs can lead to disengagement and a lack of motivation among employees who also often feel undervalued, which can decrease job satisfaction and loyalty. 

What are the main factors you believe are contributing to the labor shortage in the fast-food industry? 

The labor shortage in the fast-food industry is driven by a combination of low wages, limited career advancement opportunities, high-stress work environments, irregular hours, health and safety concerns, changing workforce expectations, economic factors, and long processing times for work visas. Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach, including improving compensation and benefits, providing clear career paths, enhancing work-life balance, ensuring workplace safety, and exploring international recruitment options. By addressing these factors, the fast-food industry can create a more attractive and sustainable work environment for employees. 

What strategies would you recommend to employers to attract and retain new employees, particularly for entry-level positions? 

Conduct a thorough market analysis to ensure that your wages are competitive with other local employers. Provide a comprehensive benefits package that includes health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and other perks like tuition reimbursement and wellness programs. 

Offer flexible work schedules to accommodate employees’ personal lives, such as part-time, full-time, and flexible shift options. Ensure that employees have access to paid time off, including vacation days, sick leave, and personal days. 

Implement career development programs that offer training, mentorship, and opportunities for advancement within the company. Establish a clear and transparent process for promotions and make sure employees understand what is required to advance in their careers. 

Cultivate a supportive and inclusive work culture where employees feel valued and respected. Encourage employee engagement through team-building activities, open communication channels, and regular feedback sessions. 

Onboarding programs can help new employees acclimatize to their roles and the company culture. Offer ongoing training opportunities to help employees build their skills and advance in their careers. 

Recognition programs that celebrate employee achievements and contributions, such as Employee of the Month awards or peer recognition initiatives, can be beneficial. As can providing financial incentives and bonuses for meeting performance goals and achieving milestones. 

Implement and maintain strong workplace safety protocols to ensure a safe working environment and offer health initiatives such as gym memberships, wellness programs, and access to mental health resources.  

Partnering with local schools, colleges, and community organizations can create pipelines for new talent. Likewise, participating in or hosting career fairs can help to connect with potential candidates and showcase your company as an employer of choice. 

Utilize popular job boards and company websites to post job openings and attract candidates. Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter can reach a broader audience and engage with potential candidates. 

Expand recruitment to include international talent. Partner with international recruiting services to access a larger pool of qualified candidates from around the world. Utilize visa programs like the EB-3 visa to recruit foreign national workers who are eager to fill entry-level positions. Foreign national EB-3 visa workers tend to stay in their positions longer than US workers. This loyalty stems from their appreciation for the opportunity and the employer who sponsored their permanent residency. These employees often demonstrate higher levels of loyalty and dedication, reducing turnover rates and providing a more stable workforce. 

How important is training and development in addressing labor shortages? Business advertising promotion loudspeaker

Training and development are crucial strategies for addressing labor shortages in the fast-food industry. Training programs help employees develop the skills necessary to perform their jobs effectively. This not only improves individual performance but also enhances overall operational efficiency. Well-trained employees are more capable of providing high-quality customer service, which is essential in the fast-food industry where customer experience is key. 

Providing development opportunities shows employees that the company is invested in their growth. This can increase job satisfaction and loyalty, reducing turnover rates. Training can quickly fill skill gaps within the workforce, ensuring that employees can meet the immediate needs of the business. Continuous development helps employees adapt to new technologies and processes, making the company more resilient to changes in the industry. 

Likewise, training and development programs can prepare employees for leadership roles, supporting internal promotions and creating a pipeline of qualified candidates for management positions. Promoting from within boosts employee morale and motivation, as it demonstrates the company’s commitment to career advancement and recognition of hard work. 

Developing current employees reduces the need for external recruitment, which can be time-consuming and expensive. With a well-trained workforce, the company can operate more efficiently, reducing the costs associated with high turnover and constant retraining of new hires. 

How would you balance the need for competitive wages with maintaining profitability? 

Balancing the need for competitive wages for crew members while maintaining profitability is a critical challenge for fast-food restaurant owners. Using advanced scheduling software to optimize shifts based on peak hours and staff availability ensures that you have the right number of employees working at any given time, reducing unnecessary labor costs. Cross-train employees to handle multiple roles. This increases flexibility and efficiency, allowing you to manage labor costs more effectively during busy and slow periods.  

Additionally, implement inventory management systems to minimize waste and reduce costs. Accurate inventory tracking helps prevent over-ordering and spoilage. Invest in energy-efficient equipment and practices to reduce utility costs. Simple changes like LED lighting, energy-efficient appliances, and regular maintenance can lead to significant savings. 

How can companies leverage technology to address labor shortages and improve efficiency? 

Fast-food restaurants can leverage technology to address labor shortages and improve efficiency by installing self-service kiosks to allow customers to place their own orders. This reduces the need for front-line staff and speeds up the ordering process, leading to shorter wait times and increased customer satisfaction. 

Mobile apps that enable customers to place orders ahead of time for pickup or delivery can streamline operations and reduce the workload on in-store staff. 

Use automated grills, fryers, and other kitchen equipment to reduce the need for manual labor and ensure consistency in food preparation. Implement digital order management systems that organize and prioritize orders in real-time, helping kitchen staff work more efficiently and reduce errors. 

Implement inventory management software that tracks stock levels in real-time, automatically reordering supplies when they run low. This reduces the risk of running out of essential items and helps manage costs. Likewise, using technology to monitor and analyze food waste can help to identify patterns and implement strategies to reduce waste and improve efficiency. 

Explore the use of robotics for tasks such as flipping burgers, assembling sandwiches, and dispensing beverages. This can significantly reduce the need for manual labor and increase consistency and speed. Implement AI-powered chatbots for customer service, handling inquiries, taking orders, and providing information, reducing the workload on human staff. 

Should companies adapt to changing workforce trends, such as the gig economy and the demand for flexible work schedules? 

Fast-food restaurants are facing evolving workforce trends that demand flexibility and adaptability. With the rise of the gig economy and an increasing demand for flexible work schedules, it has become essential for fast food establishments to adjust their employment strategies to attract and retain crew members effectively. By embracing these trends, fast food restaurants can create a more appealing work environment and enhance operational efficiency. 

How do you see the future for the fast-food industry, in terms of labor recruitment and retention? 

I envision a future where the fast-food industry adapts to labor challenges through innovative recruitment strategies, technology integration, employee development, and enhanced workplace culture. By leveraging international talent, embracing workforce trends, and prioritizing employee satisfaction, the industry can build a resilient and motivated workforce, ensuring long-term success and stability. 

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

With the labor force participation rate declining, particularly exacerbated by the pandemic, there is a smaller pool of domestic workers available. Recruiting international talent helps fill these gaps, ensuring that fast food restaurants have sufficient staff to operate efficiently. 

The pandemic accelerated early retirements, especially among those aged 55 and older, further shrinking the labor pool. An aging population means fewer young workers entering the workforce. International recruitment can counterbalance this trend by bringing in younger, motivated workers from abroad. 

As fewer domestic workers are available, the consistent and reliable labor provided by international recruits through programs like the EB-3 visa becomes essential.
This approach not only stabilizes the workforce but also ensures long-term operational continuity for fast-food restaurants.  

John Dorer